Is Video a Luxury or Essential for Businesses?
As with every economically challenging year, marketing is one of the very first things to take a hit - 2023 is no different.
We all know it, but during these difficult spells for businesses it is more important than ever to stay in the mind of the consumer and set yourself up for future success, even if spending on marketing your business might not even feel close to being a priority. We have certainly felt the squeeze this year with large projects being few and far between as well as the smaller projects feeling somewhat… Smaller. There’s no doubt about it, things are bloody tough out there right now!
So with that in mind, it begs the questions as to whether something like video production should be seen as an integral part of your business marketing?
The answer to that really is ‘it depends.’
Professional video falls into that weird category of ‘essential luxury’ - reason being is that video content is something that undoubtedly can benefit absolutely any business. No question about it, we’ve made videos for waste management companies, restaurants, schools and some really obscure businesses, but the common trend is that they all have a service or product that can be marketed via video.
Now, when you’re tightening the belt, your business may benefit from a more in-house video strategy - this could look something like shooting videos on a phone with a basic microphone and subtitling them, or it could be creating user-generated content for platforms such as TikTok. It’s important to remember though that low-end video content can sometimes do more harm than good, so don’t make content just for the sake of it!
On the other hand, businesses in the hospitality industry for example may benefit from content that is professionally produced - whether that is video or photography. This is simply because things like food and drink look so much better when shot through an actual camera!
Ultimately, it depends on how important a role you believe video can play in your business. If customers don’t fully understand what you do - use video. If you’re struggling to hire the right talent - use video. If you’re lacking in content for your social media channels - use video (and photography).
If you need to communicate to a wider audience then video will always be the best way of doing that, whether you want to attract customers, new staff or generally enhance your brand presence online.