Looking Back at 2021 so Far


Like for so many of us, 2021 started with much apprehension and worry due to 2020’s conclusion which saw Covid-19 cases rising and England finding themselves in yet another lockdown. I would be lying if I said I felt confident about things, but moreover I was disappointed that after what had been such a strong end to 2020 business-wise, we were now back to square one.

That said, there was one big difference, being that we were still able to continue filming so long as it was in a Covid-secure way. Not only this, but I was pleasantly surprised by how many businesses actively wanted to make some noise and start creating content.

Over the past five months we have worked on a hugely diverse range of projects with businesses all varying in size. And that’s what I love about what we do – our work is of huge benefit to both big and small entities. Some of our biggest projects this year have seen us work with Hamleys and the Department for Education, whilst we also completed a 30-minute documentary for an independent school looking back at their history. At the other end of the spectrum, we have completed campaigns for high-street restaurants, a desserts parlour, and a waste-management business amongst many others.


One of the biggest things I’ve found to be of benefit to me personally is joining a business support group, namely Building Legacies – a charitable organisation based in East London offering support to SMEs. This has enabled me to connect with other business owners in the neighbouring areas and most importantly have a mentor that I can talk to regarding concerns or difficulties within the business. I think in 2020 I underestimated the hardships that come with being a sole Founder and having someone there to talk to this year when it has come to pitching for work or dealing with tough clients has been of enormous value and it is something I’m incredibly grateful to have access to.

Something else I’m grateful for is finally having a proper office space for FOSTER Studios. This may seem like an odd investment given that the world is shifting to remote working on a full-time basis, but for me I really wanted to be able to have that variety in where I work. Being able to work from home one day, go to a shoot the following day and then work the rest of the week in an office space has provided me with a real sense of fulfilment. It’s also fantastic in terms of productivity and due to it being a co-working space I can meet and network with other people and industries.

There are certainly exciting times ahead with two big projects already confirmed for June, but in the coming months significant investment will also be made in equipment once again to ensure we are always providing the best possible quality for those we work with. I couldn’t be more excited for the second half of this year!